Spring - the e-bike time begins

E-biking in spring

Spring is the start of the e-bike season for many people. What you should consider before your first ride and why it makes sense to have your e-bike thoroughly checked.


The days are getting longer, the first warm rays of sunshine give you new energy and invite you out for a ride in spring. But is the e-bike ready for the first tour? Have all the important parts been serviced and checked? These are important questions that should be considered before the first ride. Ideally, the e-bike should have been cleaned before storage. However, if it is still dirty, it should be cleaned with appropriate care products. The contacts on the battery and display should remain dry. It is also advisable to check that all screws - especially on the stem, handlebars and saddle - are tight.


What to check


One of the most important parts of the e-bike are the brakes. Check the brake levers to ensure that the pressure point is correct. The brake discs should also be checked for deposits or discoloration. It may be necessary to replace the brake pads or fill or bleed the brake system. The sprockets and chain - another important component of the e-bike - should be checked with a measuring gauge. If they are worn or worn out, you should consider replacing them. The tire pressure has a major impact on the battery range. It should therefore be checked regularly. It should be noted that the "thumb test" is not sufficient. If the e-bike has not been used for a long time, it makes sense to check the battery capacity. With some e-bikes, the specialist dealer can also check whether the system and software are error-free and up to date.


"We at bike-energy generally recommend briefly checking the e-bike before every ride. In most cases, a few close looks are enough to check the most important parts. If the e-bike is fit, nothing stands in the way of the first spring tour with lots of fun in the fresh air," explains Peter Schitter, Managing Director of the company bike-energywhich manages over 10,000 charging points throughout Europe. Since 2008, the company has focused on functioning charging infrastructures and creates complete concepts for municipalities, businesses, tourist destinations and entire regions.


Further information:



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