- the theft-proof e-bike charging station storage facility

Many e-bikers are reluctant to let their bike out of their sight. In the Parking system, the bike is not only optimally loaded, but is also stored theft-proof. With a, the rims protecting, front wheel receptacle and a solid steel bracket with attachment point on the frame. The system can be operated with your own chip card (for authorized persons or employees) or with any RFDI-capable check, credit or ATM card in public places.


E-biking is THE trend with the greatest growth potential at present. A sport and a means of local transportation in one. For many people, it is already a real alternative to the car and an indispensable leisure and sports device. In the USA, sales of e-bikes have grown by 240% in twelve months, and in Austria, too, more than one million e-bikers are already on the road.


The big issue in light of these numbers is the question of nationwide coverage with theft-proof charging stations. Charging stations are profitable for every installer

Regardless of whether you are a municipality, entrepreneur, gastronomy or tourism business: with a Charging station you can

  • increase the frequency at your location. E-bikers often plan their routes according to the opportunities to charge their bikes en route and target these locations.
  • increase sales. E-bikers are generally affluent customers (with bike costs of easily four to eight thousand euros and more). If e-bikers can easily charge their bikes at your location and know that they are safely locked away, they can go shopping in a relaxed atmosphere, sit down for a coffee or a meal in the surrounding restaurants, or take advantage of local leisure activities.
  • Motivate your employees to come to the office by e-bike. With the tax reform from 1.1.2020, the tax advantage of the e-car was also granted to the electric bike. Thus, the company bicycle and company electric bike is now pre-tax deductible, and private use is also exempt from the non-cash benefit.
    Studies also show that employees who ride an e-bike to the office instead of driving have significantly fewer sick days per year.
    The availability of an easily usable charging and locking facility for the bike is a strong argument for leaving the car behind and switching to the e-bike.


Especially for municipalities, public charging stations can contribute to a revitalization of the town center and a reduction of the CO2 footprint for the community!


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