Want some remedial lessons?


Don't worry, even though we are just starting a new school year, this is not about a subject. However, we'd like to help you out today, and we're talking about PROMOTIONS. Very few people know how many Subsidies there are for the acquisition of e-bike charging stations - and that's far from all!

Extensive funding landscape


Did you know that it is possible for Investment in e-mobility (whether single or double-track) subsidies are available for municipalities, companies and even private individuals? That's right, and the possibilities are extensive. Of particular interest here are the subsidy models for company investments in e-bike charging stations as well as parking facilities or the establishment of an e-bike rental system itself. Companies that want to actively take the future of e-bike tourism into their own hands should take a close look at this topic.

From "A" like parking facility to "Z" securing the future


The time to submit a grant for investments has never been better. The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology is handing out more funding than ever before. The only interesting question is what criteria these subsidies are now tied to? We can help with that. On the website of the Climate and Energy Model Region Zell am See-Kaprun there is an overview of possible funding such as:


  • E-charging infrastructure 2021
  • E-light vehicles and e-two-wheelers 2021
  • Retrofit for bicycle parking 2021
  • E-bikes and e-transport bikes 2021
  • Particularly interesting: cycling speed links


More info on grants can be found at: https://www.tourismus-modellregion.at/foerderungen


Climate and Energy Focus Region Zell am See-Kaprun


The path that tourism regions could take in the future is shown by the example of the KEM Zell am See-Kaprun. The prominent year-round destination between glacier, mountain and lake is one of the two newly founded KEM tourism focus regions - and in Zell am See-Kaprun one relies fully on sustainable mobility for guests and locals. The e-bike and the necessary e-charging infrastructure play a major role here. For good reason, because a climate and energy model region has a wealth of attractive subsidies at its disposal, which other regions sometimes have to do without.


We are proud to have the KEM Zell am See-Kaprun as a partner and could already for the summer season 2021 about 15 e-bike charging stations to Zell am See-Kaprun. By the way, you can also find out where these charging stations are located on the KEM Zell am See-Kaprun website under the link: https://www.tourismus-modellregion.at/ladestationen-fuer-e-auto-e-bikes/


We look forward to advising you personally on the subject of e-bike charging stations!


Photo credit: Climate Fund/Krobath


Requests via the comment function

Dear readers, we appreciate every comment and suggestion from you. For info requests and offers please contact verkauf@bike-energy, as we do not always answer news comments immediately. Otherwise it can happen that your request is lost or processed much later. General info - price lists, presentations and data sheets - can be found here: https://bike-energy.com/downloads/ Thank you for your understanding.

1 thought on “Förderunterricht gefällig?”

  1. Johannes Farnleitner

    These initiatives sound promising! I have thought of a few aspects that could possibly be taken into account for further; subsequent funding with regard to climate protection for regions in Austria:

    - Funding for e-mobility in air traffic
    - Increased expansion of e-car charging stations (with subsidies) - perhaps it makes sense to develop/modify e-bike charging stations and other infrastructure provided for e-bikes in the future, so that e-cars and other electronically powered e-vehicles, as well as e-appliances, can be plugged in and charged at these modules! - Auto-mobility is currently by far the largest sector of mobility, which currently exerts great negative impact on the environment. Especially in the next 5, 10 years, this sector will still draw great negative impact and consequences on the environment!

    (p.s. i send your bike-energy-team strength for the future! the e-bike sector is in my eyes undoubtedly a great future for a more and more sustainable designed/becoming!)

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