We turn the city hall into a "wheelhouse

From City Hall to Bike House - Bicycle Infrastructure for Municipality and Community

On the municipal expansion of cycling and infrastructure

Municipalities are probably all in the same boat at the moment. Car traffic is increasing, the burden on people AND their wallets is growing, and the call for expanding the cycling infrastructure is getting louder and louder. And that's a good thing, because cycling or the selective switch from car to bike or e-bike is not only a multi-faceted problem solution on paper.

"Fast from A to B" - cycle path expansion and cycle speed links

If the bicycle or e-bike is to become a serious alternative to the car in terms of everyday mobility, there needs to be a targeted expansion of cycle path networks and high-speed cycle connections. When should I be sure not to switch from car to bike? When I am 1. slower, 2. unsafe on the road and 3. uncomfortable on the road. Ergo: the expansion and investment in bike lanes and high-speed connections makes double and triple sense. The good news? There are attractive subsidies to cushion investments in this area with public money.

Eligible costs can be subsidized up to 40% for cycle path extensions and high-speed cycle connections. In total, a maximum funding of € 100,- per inhabitant of the municipality is eligible. Important is the existence of a cycling strategy, a concept or a master plan "bike" on the level of the region or the federal state. If the prerequisites are met, nothing stands in the way of your project in expanding the bicycle infrastructure. One question remains:

What is a cycling fast link?

  • Determination of connections (min. 5 km) in planning documents of the federal state
  • Potential of at least 2,000 cyclists per 24 hrs.
  • Direct, largely detour- and gradient-free routing (max. 6 %)
  • Level-free with motor vehicle traffic or priority at at-grade intersections
  • Sufficient traffic space width
  • Safe trafficability even at high speeds
  • Protective lane to the motor vehicle carriageway with roadside cycle track
  • High pavement quality (asphalt or concrete)


"Keep safe" - parking facilities and bicycle parking

Anyone who travels quickly and efficiently by bike or e-bike will also reach their destination at some point and will want their bike or e-bike to be stored safely and appropriately. From the point of view of a municipality, this part is just as important as the expansion of bike paths or high-speed bike connections. In the future, parking facilities or locking devices will make sense especially in combination with e-charging infrastructure, because e-bikes should be able to be charged safely and reliably while in storage. A very important rule of thumb applies: Parking facility is not the same as a bike rack. If you want to attract particularly ambitious cyclists with high-quality bikes to your municipality as mobilists, it makes perfect sense to invest in high-quality bike parking facilities. Trust us when we say: Rim and frame killers are definitely out!

Retrofit bicycle parking - what to consider

  • Covered bicycle parking facilities for max. 100 bicycles
  • Lockable or can be secured to the bicycle frame
  • For buildings, outside the public traffic area
  • Promotion as a lump sum, € 400 per parking space
  • € 700 subsidy per parking space with one e-charging point ≤ 5 kW output power
  • Funding is limited to 30 % of eligible costs.
  • Prerequisite: 100 % Electricity from renewable energy sources.
  • Submission AFTER implementation (up to 6 months after acquisition)


Always supplied with (e-)energy - e-bike charging infrastructure

According to the e-mobility offensive of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund, the purchase of e-vehicles and the provision of e-charging infrastructure are equally promoted. Particularly interesting for municipalities, but also for companies in municipalities, is the development of sharing or rental systems up to investments in low-emission employee mobility. Just think of the role model effect that a mayor or municipal representative has when he or she rides e-bikes, rental bikes or job bikes in the municipality. From a municipality's perspective, up to seven positive effects can be achieved by investing in active mobility. 1. protect climate and resources, 2. save costs, 3. improve accessibility, 4. improve social encounters, 5. reduce air pollutants, 6. reduce noise and 7. improve the health of the population. These are good reasons to take the future actively in hand, aren't they?

E-mobility offensive of the Austrian Climate Fund

  • Funding is provided for vehicles and e-charging infrastructure
  • Application exclusively online at umweltfoerderung.at
  • until 31.03.2023 and AFTER purchase (until 9 months after purchase)
  • No used vehicles / charging stations eligible for funding
  • Prerequisites: E-mobility bonus share (noted on bill), 4 years in service, and electricity from 100% renewable energy sources.


With this basic information on the subject of subsidies, your municipality can also reliably set out on the road to the future of mobility. The invention of the e-bike holds immense potential to positively influence the mobility behavior of us humans: more active, more outdoor, more healthy exercise and less driving on short distances. Even without subsidies, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for your community - find out more today.

Contact us NOW and book your free initial consultation!

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