"Don't leave me out in the rain"

Don't leave me out in the rain

What does your e-bike think about where you park it?

Servus, it's me your brand new e-bike. I'm the highest level of technical development the bike market has ever seen. I'm full of cutting-edge technology, you had to wait quite a while for me and I cost almost as much as your car did in the 80s. I have a question for you: why are you putting me somewhere?

Honestly, would you park a brand new Ferrari in a warped wooden shed or just under a tree? Exactly, then why do you do it with your high-quality, sinfully expensive and beautiful e-bikes? Of course, we e-bikes are outdoor sports equipment, we can take it, otherwise we would not have been allowed to become e-bikes. That's true, of course, BUT the days of rusty bike racks, bent "rim killers" or traffic signs as barriers are thankfully over. There are good people out there who put at least as much brain power into the quality of a bike parking facility as the engineers who brought me to life.

What is important for a modern, safe and stylish parking facility? If you ask me - and I know exactly what I want - must be a Parking facility correspond to the value of the sports equipment that it will store. We e-bikes need space! We do not want to stand on top of each other or so close to each other that we get wedged into each other with handlebars and co. We don't want bike racks that bend our high-quality rims just as we don't want steel tubes that scratch our carbon frames and we need power, enough power and high-quality power so that we can continue the ride or tour at full throttle after our well-deserved break.

Recently my owner placed me in a storage facility in Salzburg, I tell you, this is what it must look like. Massive hangers that don't scratch me but don't give thieves any chance to steal me. Space was enough, I could talk to my neighbor, but neither of us got claustrophobic. The canopy made of plexiglass reliably kept the rain off, although it could not have harmed me, was almost "wellness for the e-bike". And then the current, which during my rest through the bike-energy cable flowed into my battery, the purest pleasure. This electricity must have come directly from a PV system or wind turbine, 100% BIO, green, and full of (e-)nergy for many more kilometers through town and country.

I ask myself now, why is not on every corner a Parking facility from VELOVIO? Let's be honest, it can't be that difficult, the car service stations of today are also real entertainment centers with cafe, store and social meeting places for various car owners. If I may make a wish for the future, an (e-) bike parking facility should also become a place of exchange, a place where people like to come and know that their sports or transport equipment is safely stored. If it goes according to us - and we e-bikes are united in this -. Bike-Parking systems from VELOVIO in combination with bike-energy Charging stations; and the world of e-bikes gets a lot better. You want us to function reliably when you need us, don't you?

So, in the future only VELOVIO & bike-energy and we will never let you down!

See you soon on the bike path, mountain or trail,

Your e-bike


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