"Car fasting", who is taking part?

The VCÖ (Verkehrsclub Österreich) writes that 1/2 of journeys to work are shorter than 10 kilometers. Nevertheless, 60% of these journeys are made by car.

Just in time for the start of LENT, we therefore want to take up the concept of AUTOFASTING and show how this can work brilliantly.

Why don't you come by bike?

There are many advantages to using a bike for at least part of your commute. The idea that not using a car means taking a step backwards in terms of convenience is long outdated. Nevertheless, there are plenty of excuses out there that make it easy for us to talk ourselves out of using the car:

"Car fasting", who is taking part?
"Car fasting", who is taking part?
  1. The weather is too bad
  2. I have to transport too much
  3. The journey to work is too long
  4. It makes me sweat, I can't do that 
  5. I can't park my bike well at work
"Car fasting", who is taking part?

Ad 1) Admittedly, the weather thing may be true, but nobody is asking everyone to cycle in the rain and snow, that's up to us freaks. But on certainly 200 days a year, the journey to work, which is usually less than 10 km long, is easy to manage by bike.

Ad 2) & 3) Apologies to anyone who has a lot to carry, but honestly, how many days does that happen? According to the VCÖ, the length of the route is not a problem in most cases and if the route is over 10 km long, you simply hop on an e-bike.

Ad 4) & 5) For both cases, bike-energy comes into play. Those who don't like to sweat take their e-bike to work. When it comes to safe and reliable parking facilities including charging stations, bike-energy is also in demand and we have the perfect solutions for this.

Best practice example BOSCH Hallein, Austria

Active mobility at Bosch Hallein

Bosch Austria is a real best practice example of how the topic of employee mobility is dealt with. Active mobility, i.e. commuting to work by bike instead of by car, is actively promoted and has become part of the DNA of employees and the company. 

But the offer also fits here: top parking facilities including roofing, lighting and charging infrastructure are being built for employees and their e-bikes at the Hallein site. We are supplying a total of 14 LINE charging stations with a total of 56 connections for e-bikes. 

ACTIVE MOBILITY FOR EMPLOYEES IS A MUST, then car fasting will also work!

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Dear readers, we appreciate every comment and suggestion from you. For info requests and offers please contact verkauf@bike-energy, as we do not always answer news comments immediately. Otherwise it can happen that your request is lost or processed much later. General info - price lists, presentations and data sheets - can be found here: https://bike-energy.com/downloads/ Thank you for your understanding.

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