E-Car charging station(s) for my company

E-Car charging station for business

Why buy an electric car charging station?


because the time is ripe to take an ACTIVE approach to the future of mobility. You may think what you like about e-mobility.

The fact is: more and more people think a lot of it, employees, customers, delivery services & Co.

Attractive subsidies

One of the most interesting reasons why investing in a charging station now profitable, the Prospect of funding in the amount of up to € 1.000,-.*)

Promotional campaigns of the federal states in Germany, the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection and the Environment (BMK) in Austria and the Lombardy region in Italy are supporting the purchase of e-charging stations for business use.

Applications can still be submitted until 31.12.2020 can be submitted. All companies, other entrepreneurial organizations as well as public authorities, associations and religious institutions can submit entries. Sounds good, doesn't it?

There is also a Investment promotion *) with up to 14%!

Clear answers to the question: What's the point?

An electric car charging station is always worthwhile.

The 1. reason The demand for them is constantly increasing! More and more people, including your employees, customers, delivery services and all those who visit your company, want to make a contribution to alternative mobility and are on the move with e-bikes and e-cars.

The 2. reason The advantages: With a charging station, you increase your attractiveness as an employer as well as a company or institution. You are making a clearly visible and unmistakable commitment to alternative mobility. So there's nothing wrong with investing in the future!

Info & details about our charging stations



We are happy to advise and help with questions about subsidies, models and the ideal location and look forward to a consultation.


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Dear readers, we appreciate every comment and suggestion from you. For info requests and offers please contact verkauf@bike-energy, as we do not always answer news comments immediately. Otherwise it can happen that your request is lost or processed much later. General info - price lists, presentations and data sheets - can be found here: https://bike-energy.com/downloads/ Thank you for your understanding.

4 thoughts on “E-Car Ladestation(en) für mein Unternehmen”

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